German Handball Clubs
German Handball Clubs in schools, is our new standalone programme that encourages a group of students, preferably from Years 7 and 8, to partake in this fun extra-curricular activity. The aim is to engage students into learning German through playing handball – and vice versa. Students have the chance to get exposed to the German culture. This will be a great stepping stone for them to secondary school, where they have the chance to continue and deepen their learning of German and Handball.
The programme is 6 weeks long and culminates in an interschool mini-Handball tournament. The tournament will be a fun German style immersion experience for all involved, with German Schiedsrichter, Fangesang and Siegerehrung.
The programme is FREE for students and schools, it is delivered by local Handball clubs and supported by the Goethe-Institut New Zealand.
German Handball Clubs 2021:
Auckland - Term 2 of 2021 saw two German Handball Clubs getting underway in Auckland, one at Greenbay Primary and another at St Thomas School. See some photos from these events here.
Wellington - The first round of German Handball Clubs in Wellington Central will be starting Term 3 of 2021, and is aiming to involve Mt Cook Primary, Te Aro School, Ridgeway School and Clyde Quay School.
Note: This programme will be perfectly timed with the Olympics. Students will be able to engage with actual Olympic handball games from available online content and coverage.
Christchurch - Coming soon... Register your interest for having German Handball Club starting a here.
Not on the list?
All other schools, please contact us, if you are interested to have a German Handball Clubs at your school, we will do our best to help you get this started.
How does this work? Here is an example!
Kiwisport Activator coach Anton Vera, recently ran a German Handball Club at Greenbay Primary, and he captured this Video testimonial.
It's remarkable, because Anton himself does not speak German, but with the help of some German native speaking students he was able to put together this wonderful series of German Handball Club trainings, and gave the students a truly immersive experience of getting know the german language and culture through sport!